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Can Finasteride Regrow a Receding Hairline?

Katelyn Hagerty

Reviewed by Katelyn Hagerty, FNP

Written by Sian Ferguson

Published 01/16/2018

Updated 09/22/2023

Perhaps you looked in the mirror and noticed the hair at your temples is thinning. Or maybe an old photo reminded you your hairline wasn’t always so M-shaped.  

Millions of men have receding hairlines. If you’re one of them, you might wonder if it’s possible to restore your mane to its former glory.

A common hair medication called finasteride is used by millions of people around the world to treat hair loss. But can finasteride regrow a receding hairline?

Sold under the brand name Propecia®, finasteride is often prescribed for or male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia). With male pattern hair loss, you lose hair in a specific area, like the crown of the head or the hairline.

Finasteride works because it stops the body from creating dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is an androgen (male hormone) that can damage hair follicles, leading to male pattern baldness.

Although finasteride has mostly been studied for its ability to reduce crown hair loss, it can also help slow down other signs of androgenetic alopecia, including a receding hairline.

With that said, finasteride’s effectiveness also depends on the type of hair loss you’re experiencing. If your receding hairline is caused by something other than DHT — say, hair styling methods that damage your follicles — finasteride won’t help. 

Also, while it may slow down hair loss, there’s no guarantee finasteride will regrow a receding hairline.

Let’s talk about finasteride, the potential side effects and how to use it to fight back against hair loss.

First, a quick recap on finasteride to get us all on the same page. Finasteride is a medication used by millions of people around the world to treat hair loss.

Sold under the brand name Propecia®, finasteride is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) specifically for treating male pattern baldness (also known as androgenetic alopecia).

With male pattern hair loss, you lose hair in a specific area, like the crown of the head or the hairline.

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Finasteride stops the body from converting testosterone to another male hormone (androgen) known as dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This male hormone can damage hair follicles, leading to male pattern baldness.

Although finasteride has mainly been studied for its ability to reduce crown hair loss, it can also help slow down other signs of androgenetic alopecia, including a receding hairline.

With that said, finasteride’s effectiveness also depends on the type of hair loss you’re experiencing. If your receding hairline is caused by something other than DHT — say, hair styling methods that damage your follicles — finasteride won’t help.

Finasteride can slow down a receding hairline, but it might not always help with hair regrowth.

Finasteride belongs to a class of medications called 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (or 5ARIs), also known as DHT blockers. It’s usually taken as a once-daily pill.

5-alpha-reductase is an enzyme that converts testosterone — the primary male sex hormone — into a more potent hormone: DHT.

DHT can bind to receptors in your hair follicles and cause them to gradually shrink. This prevents new hairs from growing out of those follicles. As a result, when your hair shaft reaches the end of its life cycle, it falls out, and new hair doesn’t grow in its place.

Over time, the process can lead to hair thinning and male pattern baldness. This condition is characterized by noticeable hair loss on specific parts of the scalp, including the hairline and crown (vertex) area.

Not everyone is sensitive to the effects of DHT. Genetics play a role in whether you experience male pattern hair loss. Your genes may also determine where your hair loss begins — at the hairline or crown, for instance.

Interestingly, the hair follicles on the back and sides of your scalp are more resistant to DHT, so they’re less likely to be affected by male pattern baldness.

Research shows that oral finasteride reduces DHT levels by around 70 percent. For most men, this is enough to produce a noticeable reduction in hair loss.

Though most studies on finasteride focus on its ability to slow down hair loss at the crown, this medication can also help with baldness on other areas of the scalp.

In 1999, when the treatment was still new on the market, a clinical study looked at the effectiveness of finasteride for receding hairlines. It found that, when compared to a placebo, the medication caused a “significant increase in hair count” over the course of one year. This study specifically looked at frontal hair loss — that is, receding hairlines.

A 10-year study published in 2019 found that 99 percent of men who used finasteride experienced no worsening of hair loss during treatment. And an impressive 91.5 percent saw improvements in hair growth while using finasteride.

So, how long after starting treatment can you expect to see hairline finasteride results?

There’s no hard-and-fast rule for how long finasteride takes to work. While it can start reducing your DHT levels immediately, it’ll likely be several months before you notice a difference.

That’s because hair is pretty slow to grow. Hair usually only grows about a half-inch per month, and new hair growth can be even slower.

The package insert for finasteride notes that you typically need to take it for at least three months before noticing a change.

Finasteride is a great tool to add to your arsenal if you’re trying to fight back against a receding hairline. But it’s important to remember it isn’t a cure-all, and hairline regrowth isn’t guaranteed.

One of the only ways to ensure hairline regrowth is with hair transplants — and hair transplant surgery isn’t an option for everyone.

When it comes to hair loss, prevention is better than trying to cure it. And while finasteride can prevent further hair loss, it’s not a cure for male pattern baldness.

So, the best course of action might be to take finasteride as early as possible — preferably at the first sign of hair loss.

Also, bear in mind that finasteride is only designed to help with one type of hair loss: male androgenetic alopecia (genetic thinning).

Some people develop a receding hairline because of styling techniques, such as tight ponytails and harsh chemical treatments.

You may also lose hair due to stress, although stress-related hair loss occurs all over the scalp, not just at the hairline. Since DHT wouldn’t be the cause of hair loss in this case, finasteride probably won’t help.

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You got your prescription for finasteride, and you’re ready to stop further hair loss in its tracks. But what’s the best way to use finasteride for a receding hairline?

If you’re prescribed oral finasteride, all you need to do is take the pill once a day.

Finasteride Dosing for Hair Loss

The standard finasteride dosage for hair loss is 1 milligram (mg) per day. It’s possible to experience side effects with finasteride, so don’t exceed the dosage recommended by the healthcare professional who prescribed it.

If you’d like to boost your hairline, don’t increase your finasteride dosage without getting medical advice first. Your provider might suggest combining oral finasteride with topical treatments to stimulate hair growth.

Supplementing with more significant amounts of finasteride increases the risk of side effects. And anyway, studies show that higher doses aren’t more helpful in restoring hair.

Combining Finasteride With Minoxidil

Finasteride is often combined with minoxidil, an FDA-approved hair loss treatment that extends the anagen phase (growth stage) of the hair growth cycle — meaning hair strands grow longer.

Minoxidil is the active ingredient in brand-name Rogaine®.

A 2019 review of five clinical trials found that combining oral finasteride and topical minoxidil is safe. What’s more, this combo works better than using just one treatment for those with male pattern baldness.

A 2002 study found that men who took either oral finasteride or topical minoxidil had positive results, but finasteride was more effective.

We offer minoxidil foam and minoxidil liquid solution. Both are over-the-counter treatment options that can be applied directly to your hairline.

In addition to minoxidil and finasteride, you can use strengthening hair treatments like our thickening shampoo with saw palmetto. Some research suggests that saw palmetto may partially block DHT, so it could be a good addition to your shower routine.

Topical Finasteride for Receding Hairline

If you’re keen on finasteride but not into taking a pill every day, you’re in luck. Research shows that topical finasteride may work too.

A 2021 clinical trial looked at 458 randomized patients with male pattern baldness and found that topical finasteride significantly improved hair count. While some scalp sensitivity can occur with topical finasteride spray, this happened to less than one percent of the trial participants.

According to the clinical trial, topical finasteride may offer similar results as oral finasteride with fewer side effects.

Another option is our topical finasteride & minoxidil spray — a safe and effective combo to apply to your receding hairline.

A 2012 randomized, double-blind study looked at 40 men with androgenetic alopecia over 24 weeks. Some used 3% minoxidil and 0.1% finasteride lotion, while others used lotion containing only 3% minoxidil.

A photographic assessment found that those who combined finasteride and minoxidil had more noticeable improvement than those who used minoxidil alone.

The great thing about using finasteride for receding hairlines? It’s safe to add other hair growth products — like topical minoxidil or medicated shampoos — to your treatment plan. Though there’s no guarantee combining them will regrow your hairline, it may stop further hair loss.

Finasteride is generally considered safe to use. But, as with most medications, it has a few potential side effects.

Just a heads up, in FDA clinical trials, sexual side effects were reported in less than four percent of finasteride users. (Just over two percent in the placebo group also reported sexual side effects.)

Though still rare overall, the most common side effects of finasteride relate to sexual dysfunction. When using the tablet form of finasteride, some folks report experiencing:

Other side effects of oral finasteride may include:

  • Dizziness

  • Weakness

  • Skin rash

Many men opt for topical finasteride to reduce their chances of experiencing sexual dysfunction. According to a 2021 review, using topical finasteride instead of oral finasteride reduces the risk of systemic side effects, like sexual difficulties.

There are some side effects of topical finasteride to be aware of, like skin irritation, itchy scalp, and redness on the scalp. Although these side effects aren’t super common, they can happen.

For many people, the side effects stop once they stop using finasteride. However, some report side effects after stopping finasteride, which is known as post-finasteride syndrome (PFS). But this needs to be studied further before we fully understand it.

If you experience side effects from finasteride, seek medical advice. A healthcare professional can help you get to the bottom of the issue and, if necessary, find an alternative to finasteride.

Hair loss treatments, delivered

Once you notice your hairline thinning, you have two options: Go with the flow and embrace it (power to you!) or use a hair loss treatment to promote growth.

Finasteride is one possible remedy for hair loss. Here’s what to keep in mind about finasteride receding hairline treatment:

  • FDA-approved finasteride is effective for androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness). It can prevent further hair loss.

  • Although some people experience hair regrowth with finasteride, there’s no guarantee it’ll regrow a receding hairline.

  • Start finasteride sooner rather than later. Since the medication isn’t guaranteed to regrow your hairline, it’s best to start using it at the first sign of hair loss to prevent the issue from worsening.

  • You can combine treatment options. If you’re using finasteride for receding hairline regrowth, you can add topical remedies to your treatment plan. Other than minoxidil, a volumizing shampoo and conditioner could help. You might also consider biotin gummies to ensure your body gets all the nutrients it needs to grow strong, healthy hair.

A dermatology specialist or another healthcare provider is your best source for guidance on treating a receding hairline or scalp issues.

Not sure where to start? Check out our hair loss treatments for men. You can also do a free online consultation with one of our licensed healthcare providers to discuss your treatment options.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Learn more about our editorial standards here.

22 Sources

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Hims & Hers has strict sourcing guidelines to ensure our content is accurate and current. We rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We strive to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references. See a mistake? Let us know at [email protected]!

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Learn more about our editorial standards here.

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